We Eat | Fish Sticks & Broccoli

Since getting my new camera I’ve been having fun {probably too much fun..} taking pictures of everything.  
  You know, because everything is interesting enough to document.  I have found myself taking a lot of pictures while Parker and Jolie are eating.  The fact that they are still and in one place is most likely the reason I take the opportunity to snap a few (or eleven..).
I get a ton of questions about food. In particular, the food that I feed my little birds so I thought it would be fun to {attempt} sharing what ‘We Eat’.
We eat A LOT of fish sticks. I mentioned in their 13 month post that this is probably their most favorite food on the planet.  Fish sticks and peanut butter.  Not served together {gross}, but I wouldn’t put it past Jolie to gobble it up if I did.

Fish Sticks
Steamed Broccoli
Steamed Butternut Squash 

Plain ol’ baked fish sticks.  Nothing special about them.  
They come in a box in the freezer section at WalMart.  And they are GOOD.
 Miss Parker.  Attempting every which way to not to get her hands dirty, eating one tiny bite at a time.
 Chicken or fish today, mom?  

 My little veggie lover- almost always eats the color on her tray first.
 Here Momma- I’ll eat the fish and you can eat my veggies for me. #typical.


 I love watching baby fingers.  You do too, don’t lie. 


January 10, 2014

  1. dying, their facial expressions are perfect.

  2. Kari Willis says:

    I am so happy to see you feed your girls fish sticks. I figured they were a big 'no, no' in the dietician world. I sometimes feel embarrassed to feed them to my girls because I figured they weren't healthy! We love them too!!! Nice to know I am not a bad mom for feeding my girls baked fish sticks!! hahahaha

  3. Mandy Dupree says:

    I've been MIA lately with replying to my blogger mommys… so I am catching up the best I can.

    Anyways, this looks like a meal that I would totally scarf down in 1 minute flat! Looks like the girls are loving these simple finger food meals. I really need to start letting Jaxon be more independent but its so hard since he wants me to do EVERYTHING for him. It must be a boy thing. Not to mention, his aversion to food period these days has me nearly pulling out my hair!

    I will have to give this a try and see if it works for us 🙂

    Thank and kisses to P&J!

  4. Lauryn says:

    Love seeing your baby food posts! I followed several of your puree posts when I first started feeding Brynn. She is just starting out in eating finger foods and I love to get new ideas. Nice to know that you feed your babies frozen foods too, makes me feel better 😉

    Cant get enough of little miss Parker and Jolie!

  5. I don't know what you mean by this is your babies food, I'D TOTALLY scarf this down! But then again I still snack on Lunchables. LOL! Thats a great idea to do fish sticks … why have I really not considered this for Noah? Im a loser. Thank you for the idea! And as always your little ladies are the cutest little things!

  6. What brand of fish sticks do you buy? I would love to try this with my little guy.

  7. love reading your blog! your daughters are so precious! You are right about everything being important enough to document…as a mom of four boys, I love to scrapbook. You should take a look at http://www.beckyhiggins.com . She has a great system, called Project Life, in which you document the everyday things..it is an awesome way to scrapbook quickly and remember all of the simple moments.